♥ Tuesday, November 30, 2004
going chalet tmr..
hmm.. away from home..~
great feeling.. no nid to hear naggings from mummie...
haha.. no more entries from me till fri..
i'll reflect our joys in da chalet asap afta e chalet..
hope it would be as fun as last yr.. or even more!
most prob will be more fun lar.. cause dun haf one girl..
haha.. wooosh...
♥ Monday, November 29, 2004
went out chilling wid huiyi n jingwen.
shop till drop.. my wallet go out $50+.. came back wid an negative amt [-$2].
lolx. still owe hy $2 bucks..
heez.. bought a pink belt and socks for my father.. so filial hor?
actualli is my mum ask me buy one..
den dine at pizza hut.. was famished in da first place.
den after that.. darn full to finish everything..
suppose i'm not sending hendra off tmr early morning..
anywae bon voyage.. =)
hope to hear from him real soon.. keep in contact!
swimming session cancelled for we guys tmr.. Lolx..
lets arrange another one asap.. =)
wed going ken's chalet? hmm.. maybe bah... who knoes..
den saw jingqi at taka.. she dyed her hair too.. nice color..
huiyi's color lyk ah lian.. red red one.. aiyo.. ke lian lar..
hope to meet up wid they guys real soon soon..
but doubt i'll going wid them to see weibo lar..
no interest in him.. no wasting $$ on idols dat i'm not even interested..
dun forget. energy is coming to town... hoooray....???
♥ Sunday, November 28, 2004
the jing zhong jiang hor.. sianz diao..
red carpet also weird weird one..
but got dou yu's crew..
got gpc n ah bao..
den dun have eg..
i only finish dled the red carpet n first one third..
tink e other two parts dun nid le..
anywae energy performed in first part le..
the rest i heck care..
anywae their new dance steps were really great..
but lips synching was obvious... lolx.
i watch the show reminded me of kunda's injured leg..
sianz.. feel xin tong for him lehx.. )=
haix.. he in that show.. he avoided big n exaggerate movements..
den he expressionless..
he realli look painful.. aiyo.. realli pathetic..
den got kung fu steps sia.. shld b got shuang jie gun.. lolx..
shuwei veri lao shu si...
xiao s veri rude... when eg packing stuffs after they performed..
den alot of fans screaming n yelling..
den xiao s shouted at eg.. coz she was talking wad.. kinda of felt interupted..
she said smting lyk "bu yao gao xiao dong zou..!!!"
pls lor.. big event leh.. lyk that sae.. v xia suay one...
evil gal.. #.#
new dance parts added.. i lurve the video played behind in the screen... but got lyk kung fu fighting lyk that.. shuwei looked dumb... no skill....

the costumes were awful... but kunda's one still the best lar..

just saw yesterday's zyzglblzhx...
niunai highlighted his hair..
blue for his side fringe.. quite nice..
den kunda comb his fringe up.. Lolx..
more neater in sm ways lorz..
den tis episode. got new dan yuan again.
call ou xiang zui hao xiao..
they zhen xiao zhu.. he orbi..
den kunda veri bad lor..
still when xiao zhu dancing dat that.. he walk behind him..
luckily xiao zhu nv notice.. phew..
he still can luff..
so sad.. last episode le leh.. next week no more liao.. haix...! ))'=
wahaha! i'm happy! excited!
kunda nv go hk! wahaha!
/me mad lar..
but realli glad!
thou he's absent bcoz of his injured leg..
but for certain reasons i'm happy.. wahaha...
huiyi u shld know.. lolx.. speedy recovery kunda.. =)
♥ Saturday, November 27, 2004
went sufian's open hse just now..
indeed a veri amiable family.. =))
thankful of their zhao dai..
then after dat.. bout late afternoon.. the guys and jiaying + xm went bowling..
elva n yeeying went off first to watch da band performance at sentosa..
den me, pg n shimin went queensway to walk walk..
den i bought a bag... hmm.. not bad lar..
veri tired again.. wan watch my chucky vcd later..
heez.. but also scared lehz..
yeah... can dl jing zhong jiang le.. but veri long~ 1gb.. sianz diao..
haix.. energy went hk today..
but kunda's ankle injured lor.. stupid..
♥ Friday, November 26, 2004
life is full of leaving n embarking...
so be used to it lahx.. dun sobx..
so sianz.. nth to do at home one..
tot it would so much fun when i dun hafta attend school, do hmwks..
but nw i dunno even know wad to occupy myself with...
later going xm's hse..
lets see wad i can do lor..
watched shutter n edison's show today..
shutter's alright too me.. qutie scary..
edison is superb! so shuai.. play piano.. heez.. nutx.
everybody have smting to brood over.. i've too..
but all i could do is to [ C H E E R U P ! ! ! ]
♥ Wednesday, November 24, 2004
toot toot de...

ahdi looks so mature.. omg.. i dun lyk it..

shuai ge da..

i'm simply in lurve with tis energetic energy.. sporty uh...

標 題:沒錯! ENERGY要來了!
發 表 人:llg_willeg(llg_willeg)
發表時間:2004/11/23 19:09:04
沒錯, ENERGY會在12月26日來新出席一個慈善表演活動. 我沒有騙妳們吧? 我說過會盡量安排他們今年內再來跟你們見面... :P
ok. connie jie comfirmed le lar.
realli attending charity show.. sianz diao... tix tix tix.. tink easy to get meh.. siao..
good news is energy coming.. bad news is.. another charity show!
omg................... so sianz lor.
i wonder tis yr got how many charity liao.. kns..
plus if realli able to see the charity show live.. will zZz one.
i did that b4.. wahaha.. was sleeping while those old artistes performed... abit sianz..
i'm disgusted.. *sigh*

i'm so bored at hm..
didn't attend prom.. didn't wan to..
smtimes its not e money that matters..
its da mood.. i dun wanna go there n brood instead of enjoying...
actualli i didn't told my mum i wasn't attending..
yesterday she was asking where i was..
den i said orchard. shopping with frenz..
den she ask shop for wad.. den i replied prom.
den she asked me. den u leh..
i said i'm not going. told her "wo bu yao qu"
she kinda of forcing me to go.. wad e...
i told her "u nw last min force me go also cnt lor"..
den i tell her.. also cnt expected me last min get all the stuffs ready right.
den she sae.. can! u go choose now. later i drive n pass u the money.
omg. i tao tia.
in e end. i bth.. kup the fone.. she also pek chiek. coz i kept rejecting. lolx.
hesitating if i shld watch shutter later in da night.. *shivers* ~.~
today realli horrible day leh.. plus... kunda also horrible.. wad an image...
♥ Tuesday, November 23, 2004
i realli dunno...
sianz. no mood for everyting on earth now. haix.
k u n d a h e l p . . . . . ! ! !
♥ Monday, November 22, 2004
went for da npcc bbq.. kns..
its was really disappointing..
i tot it would be distressing..
who knoes it turned out to be provoking..
sianz lor.. coz the ppl who went really ............... nvm..
at least we enjoyed when cycling and playing the "fireworks"
smting that i could remember vividly..
: when we cycle pass the you le chang..
they played gei ni de ge.. plus! "techno" mnmymyt..
haha.. know why techno? cause got prob with the cd..
tink fan ban one.. hahaha..
den pg hor..!!! wahahah!! hello zai jian bye bye..
interesting hor? eh.. shuai lorz.. =X
watch the few minutes of ylbfb...
energy, makiyo, xiao s, hei ren play bball for the less fortunate..
hmm.. energy also nv talk boo.. wasted my time..
but dunno why niunai n kunda became do bao shou..
wear long sleeves shirt inside their jersey..
watched love contract halfway le...
hmm.. now more n more funny liao..
xiao mei kiss till so disgusting can..
dunno tmr shld go shopping with them anot.. wan buy tings leh..
decide later bah.. hmm..
haha.. i'm glad..
cause i've shows alined..
shutter, the incredibles, the polar express, life translated(edison's) and chucky!
wooohoo.. all new shows leh.. i can watch anytime leh..
all no nid $ $ $.. plus the polar express not out in spore yet.. heeheez..
tink the edison n chucky also not..
heez.. oOpx.
♥ Sunday, November 21, 2004
going malaysia for dinner..
nth special.. my family lurves to dine overseas..
kns.. tmr got exams lor.. now still haven set off..
hope i'll be able to wake up on time tmr for exam.. bless
♥ Saturday, November 20, 2004
my mum bought another game boy.. kns
300 bucks leh.
den she bought clothes for my bro.. for bout 200 bucks
total.. 500 bucks.. omg.. rich sia..
bu jian de buy for me..
siao liao.. her money to much..
haix.. i felt sad for sly..
saw his news on tv..
he kept saying he veri disappointed..
understandable.. at tis point of important moment..
he met troubles.. bless him lar..
標 題:我復活啦~~~~
發 表 人:書偉(keigo1104)
發表時間:2004/11/20 02:39:53
標 題:報告~~~我是書偉~~~
發 表 人:書偉(keigo1104)
發表時間:2004/11/20 03:33:17
i'm irritated.. what's with all the ~~~~~~~
!!! why can't he use fullstops...
grr.. well.. huiyi.. energy comfirm coming in dec le..
haha..energy is coming to town..
come give pressiess...
♥ Friday, November 19, 2004
i'm addicted to my bro's gameboy.. wahaha..
snatched from him.... i'm really bored..
need tings to keep my occupied..
to tink yesterday night i played to 3am to play my cousin's record..
hahahaha.. den only read thru the tys tis morning for 15 mins....
but managed to recognise a few which came out.. wooosh....
i'm hesitating... sudd felt lost...
perhaps its becoz that i've got loads of plannings in my mind..
maybe its bcoz i dunno when and what to do...
and i unsure if i can able to do it....
m i gonna feel dead bored....?
well.. no studies problems clinging on to me..
but i tink studying have kept me company for so long..
but now sudd, it drifted away from me... its gonna be away for months...
will we realli feel happy? the question really bothers me...
well.. nvm......
just dun tink of things after results taking day first...
den everything wouldn't seem so scary...
but smtimes i just can't help thinking.. i'm contradicting isn't it..
but isn't life like this too?
i'm afraid that my results would be unpleasant.. haix. *sigh*
boo.. kays. lets talk bout my accounts paper 1 instead.
hmm.. da questions were easy.. kays i said easy..
but i didn't claim that i'm gonna pass wit flying colours..
if can.. of coz i'll be satisfied lahx.. *bless*
i afraid of lonelinessssssss...~~~~~~~~~~~
♥ Thursday, November 18, 2004
smone is asking for more... grrr.....
yawnz. done wit accounts paper 2..
boo.. only managed to balance one account.. heez..
haha.. paper 1 tmr.. hmm.. throw dice... wooohoo..
i'm feeling sad for sly..
in a flash i guess he'll be out of spore idols..
realli realli sad.. his performance today was bad...
one big "SIGH" for da day...................... haix...
is this how bitchy she can get? no no no.. not to da maximum yet... poor kd..

tis is his new hairdo dat i'm enthu in!

up to some tricks again.. plus imitate jay chou? use shuang jie gun.. and use his songs?

is da pic too small?

pic of energy's victory!!! wahaha!

♥ Wednesday, November 17, 2004
can [X]cross[X] out geo now~
but overall it was a disaster..
haix.. i got a feeling i didn't end it well....
sianz.. studied manufacturing.. but ended up doing "agriculture"..
but well.. it wasn't solely on agriculture lahx...
actually also got abit of manufacturing...
but tink map reading i'll at least have one mark tis time!
lolx.. coz my ans for length is correct... (infered from majority)
den tourism sucks.
so chim lor the questions..kns.. cnt figure out...
wasted my time n effort to study on malaysia.. boo~
bleahz.. hope f&n will make me feel happier.. wahaha..
haha.. huiyi sae 933 sae energy might be coming in dec..
hmm... welcome welcome.. lolx..
came home after geo paper.. wanted to keep myself relax..
den realised! eh cnt! f&n muz revise!
lolx.. nv cnt go n zZz....
gona haf my yummy breakfast 1st...
den bury myself in the f&n notez..
den report for the paper at 1.30pm..
i wanna watch love contract after o's!
♥ Tuesday, November 16, 2004
yawnz.. can't believe i slept till so late tis afternoon....
haven finish f&n leh... dead fish.....
haf to finish it today.. tmr got exams..
den also embark on poa today..
watch v3 till quite late yesterday.. very interesting leh.. lolx!
catching ghost! not vampire!
watch energy at fen si ju le bu too..
no kunda as usual.. sianz...
they danced the "threesome" hey you..
no kunda means nn is the limelight.. kns..
den also watch happy sunday.. xiao zhu one..
got energy.. only front part.. xiao zhu v v v evil.. grr..
he sae energy dance veri xia.. means veri weak....
den energy straight away appear from his back..
den kunda keep saying.. we veri xia????!!!
they kinda of qiang sia..
den when xiao zhu danced ji qi wa wa.. he starting already NG...
so damn xia suay.. everybody shouted XIA! tink energy also veri loud. lolx..
den nn n shuwei used jqww's music to danced jie wu...
den as usual.. kunda do nth.. pengz..
oh yah...! huiyi! lets cut kunda's hairstyle!
bleahx.. we can do it too..
anywae kunda's hairstyle also lyk gal..
ppl can do it.. y can't we?
i lurve his hairstyle anywae...
i just need my length to be shorter n my fringe to be trimmed..
jingwen can try ahdi's hairdo.. Lolx! wahaha.. jkjk...
xiao gang joined universal.. left 5566.. bleahx..
correct choice.. finally xiang kai le...
left 4 more papers n i'll fly~
geo i'm doing on manufacturing n tourism leh..
seems lyk more is going for agriculture..
godness.. i cmi that topic. no time to study it too..
nvm.. soulmate lets risk!
kunda n shuwei looks so charming in pink.. =x
♥ Monday, November 15, 2004
went pg hse... to actualli watch eg at chinablack...
booooo..... it wasn't as "interesting" as wad i expected..
da most interesting was shuwei's falling down part.. i rofl...
realli hilarious..
he fell down.. i mean lyk that was really veri xia suay lorz.. =x
ahdi said he veri grateful to those fans who chased
lolx.. xie xie.. haha.. we their security guards kays.. lolx..
luckily nv pai dao our van.. later will really xia suay?..
see hy's board realli will xia suay bah.. haha.. so long n "AA"..
studied abit at pg hse.. most of da time chatting bah..
den watched champion tgt... omg.. yilin's evil...~
make toro fall.. wah.. pain can....
hope i can do well for f&n n geo......
♥ Sunday, November 14, 2004
樂園 任我遨遊片尾 詞 TORO"
Le Yuan" (Ren Wo Ao You)Pian Wei Qu [Lyrics:Toro]
誰能夠明白 我們該去的終點
Shui Neng Gou Ming Bai Wo Men Gai Qu De Zhong Dian
Sui Ran Yi Lu Shang Zong You Jing You Xian
Kua Guo Cai Hong Na Yi Bian Bu Shuo Hou Hui
黃昏的海岸線 看不到遺憾
Huang Hun De Hai An Xian Kan Bu Dao Yi Han
Yao Ji De Zhe Yi Ge Xia Tian
有你陪在我身邊 受傷也是種鍛鍊
You Ni Pei Zai Wo Shen Bian Shou Shang Ye Shi Zhong Duan Lian
一句話 一雙手 一片天
Yi Ju Hua,Yi Shuang Shou,Yi Pian Tian
Jiu Suan You Duo Yao Yuan
Ai Neng Rang Wo Yong Gan Zou Xiang Qian
Kua Yue Le Di He Tian
Han Shui Hua Po Bei Shang He Xi Yue
Ni Yi Ding Kan De Jian
白雲一片片 飄過不需留戀
Bai Yun Yi Pian Pian Piao Guo Bu Xu Liu Lian
Wo Xin Zhong Cun Zai De Yi Ge Le Yuan
Jiu Zai Qian Fang Na Yi Pian Bi Hai Lan Tian
黃昏的海岸線 看不到遺憾
Huang Hun De Hai An Xian Kan Bu Dao Yi Han
Zhe Shu Yu Wo Men De Hua Mian
有你陪在我身邊 受傷也是種鍛鍊
You Ni Pei Zai Wo Shen Bian Shou Shang Ye Shi Zhong Duan Lian
一句話 一雙手 一片天
Yi Ju Hua,Yi Shuang Shou,Yi Pian Tian
Jiu Suan You Duo Yao Yuan
Ai Neng Rang Wo Yong Gan Zou Xiang Qian
Kua Yue Le Di He Tian
Han Shui Hua Po Bei Shang He Xi Yue
Ni Yi Ding Kan De Jian
數不盡的流星飛過 我們許下同一個心願
Shu Bu Jing De Liu Xing Fei Guo Wo Men Xu Xia Tong Yi Ge Xin Yuan
走過荊棘和烈焰 不管距離和時間
Zou Guo He Lie Bu Guan Ju Li He Shi Jian
一句話 一雙手 一片天
Yi Ju Hua,Yi Shuang Shou,Yi Pian Tian
♥ Saturday, November 13, 2004
saw yi shi jie's mv... haha..
kunda's veri shuai inside.. but not with his acting skills... bleahx.=P
well well well.... kunda rawks inside lar... the song not bad...
althou is xiao gang's... hahaha..
going my ahma chalet lata.. enjoy...
i stayed up till 4am and managed to finish my geog..
guess... today shall embark on f&n.... h e c t i c l i f e . . . .
tis show is getting on my nerves.. i simply dun get wad canto language they are speaking bout.. i simply play the show i read my geog notez.. wakaka..

did u guys smell the smell of vinegar?
i'm really jealous.........~~~ argh!
kunda kunda kunda...
ah.. chantel enjoyed i guess..
from that time what she did.. till now..
niunai finally remembers her..
wahaha.. guess niunai also "dun dare" to forget her bah..
tink they he zhao quite a few times le..
yet kunda is making me lose hope..
she told me.. her fren he zhao wit kunda..
den kunda put his hands over her waist..
ahem.. kunda dun ji ko.. lolx..
shld really go malaysia to see eg..
well.. security is lacking.... spore so strict.
sianz.... but one ting good is.. energy loves visiting spore..
pros n cons... find one time.. sneak to malaysia when eg is there....
heez... jkjk...
i found back niunai's cuteness when chantel tell me wad he told her..
he realli veri ting hua? or easily scared-ed?
hahaha.... e other time after chantel's ******...
he treated us sho much better....
all thnx to chantel.. niunai u rawk nw lahx...
despite i still find teeny weeny bitx of irritating symptoms on him..
oOpx? xD.........
burying myself wit geog now..
guess geog is getting more n more i n t e r e s t i n g . . . .
trust me...~
k.. another one... ahdi on da left.. kunda in da middle.. den shuwei.... XIE KUNDA!

one of her photos.. -.-" she's making me jealous....... kunda.................... i'm missing u........

stare hard at the pic on the extreme top left hand corner.. chantel with niunai.. niunai's shades are so glaring can.. omg.... but he's realli veri friendly from wad i hear from chantel..
♥ Friday, November 12, 2004
click here for nan ding's official webbie. da music is so cute... comical..
i can comfirm that nan ding ge er is gonna be realli hilarious.
i'm looking forwarddddd~~~
kunda seems so funny inside lor.
queue wrong queue den ended up to b a si xi hu shi..
wakkaka.... male nurse....
but one ting i detest is.. he ended up wit lwj...
wth? its reminded me of smting.
yesterday on da way to malaysia..
peepz came msging me bout the lwj n kd matter...
gagaga.... its not true? =x aiyah.
kunda wanna be with hu also can..
but pls not with the two timer... stupid pi tui zu one... gross..
and pls lorz... ambrose pls lahx...
u also snatch ppl's lwj from yw one wad..
now is retribution? pls dun blame kd if he realli did that.
but i hope kd didn't...
went malaysia yesterday..
nth special...
everytime also go there for fun.. eat den come back..
my cousin's fault.. bleahx.. busy...
made me missed my spore idols.... and champions...
sly rawkz... he's sweettt....~
oh.. i'm finishing on mars soon.. soon embarking on v3....
well look at the pic on da left. so damn comical can!

lolx. kunda is so cute! hahahahaha! main male lead hor... mai siao siao!

♥ Wednesday, November 10, 2004
energy's latest trip at japan... kunda is super duper cute in tis pic..! v^^v

now take photo. Lolx.. but tis pic so shuai...

he si can lan da.. Lolx..

kunda.. hugging... tis one i realli tink no skill.. the way he hug that i saw e other day.. its was so hilarious?

gonna kiss..............

shuwei wan runaway! carry bao bao liao...

> 【王慧倫╱台北報導】坤達上周心情跌到谷底,因為四日凌晨他的座車竟不翼而飛,他難過地說:「當時只想到車上放了三雙我最愛的Nike球鞋,對我來說,它們都是無價之寶!沒想到車子失而復得,幾乎只剩一個空殼子。」
> > >零件被拆光
> >消息來源-頻果日報
i'm sobbing for him. lolx. oOpx. xp he lost his car can.. haix.. lolx. smmore dismantled... bleahx.. ke lian ke lian..haiyo. he thief realli evil lorx.. his shoes are inside can! return lar! ppl's shoes u also want.. thou is kd one lar.. but also will smelly mah.. buay zhi dong..
wenta for geog lesson in da morning.. zZz... was so tired tis morning... wanted to skip.. but lucky didn't..wells~ its an eye opening for me today. didn't know so much bout map reading in da first place.. now i've know so much.. and so much vocabs.. den went for lunch.. den went hm and here i am now.. feel like sleeping.. but also got da urge to watch mars.. heeheez.. maybe i'll watch le den study geog.. den sleep..
i'm really looking forward to life after my o's.. yuppie....~ kunda! come next yr k.. i'll be able to crap wit u le! =x.. no study worries! eg go merlion there k... ahdi be in good moodies k! shuwei dun be sick k? niunai be quiet k?! oOpx. jkj.. niunai veri good.. hor??????
♥ Tuesday, November 09, 2004
omg.. darn it.. i tink i've did badly for my chem..
*wepts* haix.. i veri scared lehx...
my phy also not veri good lor..
i guess i can only rely on my mcq now..
best to get at least 3/4 of the total marks for mcq..
den best liao! haha.. dreaming..
yeas! ken's having a chalet?
gonna enjoy myself there for 4 to 3 days? + overnites i hope..
hmm.. guess its gonna be fun.. to enjoy without any stress n pressure..
+ without some irritants dat will irritate us?!
depends lar.. tink my ahma got chalet tis weekend too.. *applause*
heeheez.... i'm happy.. gonna mugg for my geo tmr?
got geo lessons wit lian tmr.. hohoho...
hope she doesn't nags.........
wells....... lucks peeps....
♥ Monday, November 08, 2004
still pacing arnd the stoichiometry and the mole concept..
bleahx.. *stucked*
actually i'm really bad at chem lor.
too much theories for me to memorise.
and i've only begun a moment ago..
i was watching tv from lyk afternoon? lolx..
after tmr.. i'll be slacking a lil'
den mugg again lorx..
cnt slack too much..
still got geog, f&n n poa..yawnz.
wonder if i can watch mars later.. lolx.
maths was kinda of tedious for me..
it not as easy as paper 1..
can sae i v scared of da word "failure"
haix.. hope i can at least get a C5....
hope is still hope lar hor.. xD
but i tink my p2 got alot of careless mistakes.... god bless me..
oh yah.. kunda liuyaned bout 3+pm..
he's back in action.. kays. dey are back in tw safe n soundly.
♥ Sunday, November 07, 2004
i've not started much on chem yet..
was lazing arnd... distractions perhaps...
i was watching mars tis two days..
den watching eg show.. den saw those bed scenes of kd..
yucks.. he looked like as if he was raped???
so no skill.. shld learn some bed tactics? lolx..
too innocent le lar..
to tink he still watch 2046 to learn more b4 he went for the mv shooting..
i only touch bout 1/4 of chem?
realli die.. maths also.. gonna only revise now..
alwaes on the verge of failing one..
maths=my of my weakest sub..
*help*..... gonna practice more on probability lata..
hope i can master dem well enough~
den maybe later can start on my chem..
den also watch s.h.e's qi huan concert.
hmm.. only average to me.. so-so lar..(e1 dun scold me)
but i'm just stating the facts..
energy one also much better lehx..
♥ Friday, November 05, 2004
kunda lor.. Rofl.. xiao gang's gf.. xD

yucks. kunda's staring in xiao gang's mv..
not xiao gang that dancer.. IS ZHOU CHUAN XIONG K!
but he's gonna "grow up" afta that mv?
lolx.. coz got bed scenes.. lolx.. so the gross..
smmore got hugging.. got kissing.. wadsoever scenes u wan..
but he's getting cuter can.. ((=
energy's going japan tmr..
niunai.. wanna go shopping lar....
♥ Thursday, November 04, 2004
Oh Yah....! how can i forget this!
24yrs old le.. lao ah bek liao..
lolx.. i blur liao.. forgot its his birthday today..
and oh yah.. jingwen u are the one who remember wrongly his bday the other time!
i correct lar! nov 4th!
shuwei kelian.. in malaysia.. only eat cake once..
their schedule to tight le lar.. tired them out only..
ok lar ok lar.. now dun have liao.. lolx.. nurse inside wear tis kind of clothes meh?.... bu zhuan ye le lah!

why be nurse muz everytime take fotos with female artistes..? lolx.

he's gonna be hilarious!

i din study fer maths yesterday actually..
was dead beat.. den.. go home watch tv.. den zzz liao.. lolx..
i also nv practise anything... oopx...
maths was marvellous today...
not difficult bah..
but i scared lyk wad the stupid mr lim sae..
normally paper 1 easy.. paper 2 difficult..
haix.. s.a.v.e m.e.... i dun wan like that one
i wan both easy.. lolx..
i'm afraid of careless mistakes...............
really hope i won't fail tis time bah.....
without the failure of maths.. i would den be able to advance.....
i'm realli wondering wads happening nowadays...
its getting from bad to worse..
S.L.A.C.K.I.N.G today..
10am finished paper..
den go have lunch... den blahx........
den come home zZz! my favourite past-time.. heez...
revising chem lata... scared can't finish poa... haha....
but that sub to me.. kinda of useless? oOpx... poon poon....
listening to the interview in malaysia now..
initially no time to listen.. now nth to do so listen..
quite funny..
omg.. my so happy can.. grinning from ear to ear..
haha.. can watch nightingale from dec 2nd le..
smmore o's finished le! yea!!!!!!!
kunda=comical nurse.
kk.. shall wait n see... qi dai..
♥ Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Physics Paper 2:
well.. physics paper was darn easy today..
but i dunch know whether i shld be saying so..
well.. simply bcoz i have lots of careless mistakes..
4 marks gone for the wrong position of my answer for the radioactive tingies..
protons no. i put neutron no. den vice versa..
i damn fed up can.. grr..
nvm.. gambatte for paper 1 n chem lor..
i know i can do it! jiayou all o takers.!
English Papers:
compo qns so difficult to choose..
tink my letter writing was fine..
but worrying for my paper 2 n compo..
was really ski-ing thru the paper.. any-o-how whack!
only know one for txhz.
lolx.. veri good liao
i used to get zero!
haha.. the close passage was easy too..
all the rest fine lar.. and the find the last passage meaningful.
for some ppl lar.. uh....
Social Studies:
guess my most confident paper till nw bah..
well switzerland rawks can..
now i haven start on my maths yet.. wahaha..
wells.. scramed.
♥ Tuesday, November 02, 2004
yea.. a heavy load off-ed my back..
SS is done with n nv be going to brood over it or wadsoever..
anywaes.. i tink i've started it well n finished it off well..
wad i learnt same out... *phew*
switzerland n jap.. and its not difficult lar..
sec 4 stuffs were not even tested in e single bitx..
guess tis yr if we've fully used the time to study sec 3 stuffs and not wad education..
we wud definately got A1.. lolx.
darn.. was late for exam today.. so the xia suay can..
was lyk running into the hall.. stupid gate wasn't open..
have to run the the front gate lor.. kns..
den settle down den suddenly remember nv take out my entry proof..
grr..den raise hand.. omg.. the teacher smmore sae "raise higher"
raise ur head lar.. since u can see my hand still raise higher for wad..
=.=" tink tmr better wake up earlier.. see lar..
now muz 7.45am reach sch le.. *cursing*
now its physics time.. but relax first.. now surfing net..
watch show.. later at nite den mugg.. lolx.
omg.. fa tiao is great.. shuai dai le.. lolx..
i lurve kunda in the pink n white shirt in the previous eg show..
so shuai can..

fatiao is so so so shuai can..!